v0.16.0 of csgrs has been released. It features an all new 2D subsystem built around https://crates.io/crates/geo which supports several geometry types including points, lines, linestrings, polygons with holes, multipolygons with holes, and has allowed for drastically improved extrude geometry. Offsetting is supported in 2D. Boolean operations and transformations have been extended to work on both 2D and 3D. They're related nicely through the extrudes (2D -> 3D) and slice and flatten (3D -> 2D). I think it is fair to say at this point that csgrs has fully functional 2D and 3D subsystems!
The shape library has also grown tremendously!
Translate has a new shorthand using Reals instead of a Vector3.
xor has been implemented for 3D shapes.
TrueType glyphs are now available as paths and polygons.
I'm sure there are still lots of bugs, but there's lots to love too!
v0.16.0 of csgrs has been released. It features an all new 2D subsystem built around https://crates.io/crates/geo which supports several geometry types including points, lines, linestrings, polygons with holes, multipolygons with holes, and has allowed for drastically improved extrude geometry. Offsetting is supported in 2D. Boolean operations and transformations have been extended to work on both 2D and 3D. They're related nicely through the extrudes (2D -> 3D) and slice and flatten (3D -> 2D). I think it is fair to say at this point that csgrs has fully functional 2D and 3D subsystems!
The shape library has also grown tremendously!
Translate has a new shorthand using Reals instead of a Vector3.
xor has been implemented for 3D shapes.
TrueType glyphs are now available as paths and polygons.
I'm sure there are still lots of bugs, but there's lots to love too!
We have a couple active users in https://github.com/timschmidt/csgrs/discussions as well.
Lastly, I'd like to thank https://github.com/ArchiyouApp for sponsoring csgrs on Github. My ability to continue advancing the project depends on sponsorship at the moment. Please lend a hand if you can by visiting https://github.com/sponsors/timschmidt