unwind 6 hours ago

Awesome in some kind of retro way, since this a thing that C "never" has had in my experience, it being older (by far) than the web and the idea that new programming languages need to be promoted/anchored to a web site.

I couldn't see which person(s) and/or organizations are behind the site though, I feel that should be made easier to find if it's on there at all, else added.


davikr 6 hours ago

I don't think this is official.

  • sgbeal 6 hours ago

    > I don't think this is official.

    FWIW, the site doesn't claim to be. The OP mislabeled it as such.

Guestmodinfo 7 hours ago

Thank you I have been looking for this. I keep finding it or something like this and keep forgetting about it also