Show HN: Wordazzle – Become eloquent by mastering elegant words, powered by AI

8 points by creature_x 3 days ago

Wordazzle was born from my desire to learn as many elegant words as possible. The devil truly is in the details, and what constitutes "elegant" isn't exactly trivial to pin down. After a lot of prompt-tweaking, temperature fiddling, and experimenting with different AI models, I'm quite satisfied with the output, which I humbly present to HackerNews(again).

Hope someone else finds this useful!

starwatch 2 days ago

I found this fun to play, nice work! I like the save word - and subsequent "what does it mean" section. It'd be cool to roll that into Anki or similar.

  • creature_x a day ago

    Thanks! I have o plans for integrating with any other services for now.

McNutty a day ago

Nice and slick.

  • creature_x 20 hours ago

    Exactly the vibe I was going for! Thankyou for the feedback

treetalker 21 hours ago

Cool project.

I find the phrasing strange.

"What b[eatify] means to make someone happy or blessed?"

Um, that beatify, I guess. Is there another?

Maybe this instead:

"What word that starts with B means … ?"

  • creature_x 20 hours ago

    Thankyou for the feedback! "What B means.." is fairly succinct so I think I'll keep it as. I'm glad you like the project!